As a group admin, you can access your group settings by clicking on "Options" on the right-hand side of the screen. You find a menu with the following entries:
- Pictures: who can create photo albums.
- Posts: who can add posts or comments.
- Members: who can invite new members.
- Saved Phrases: Saved Phrases are templates that you can send as a private message to other Romeos when inviting, rejecting or accepting them to your group. They are reusable in group posts, or mass broadcast messages to all members. Here, you can create them (⨁ Create a new phrase) or delete/edit existing ones by clicking on the 3 dots on the right.
- Linked Groups: Enable other groups to be able to link your group. Turn off to prevent your group from being shown in others and other groups from being featured in yours.
- Group Privacy: here you choose the type of your group (open, private or secret)
- Notifications: dis/enable notifications.
- Profile Visibility: choose how to show your group on your profile.
- Group deletion: to permanently delete your group.