To search by profile name » click the 'magnifying glass' icon (top-right). You can filter the results by profile type (ROMEOS, GROUPS and HUNQZ) by clicking on the corresponding link.
Tap the RADAR icon (on the left) to access our search engine.
The DISCOVER tab shows you an overview of Romeos around you, Popular Groups, Travelers arriving, etc.
To search for other Romeos click directly on NEARBY, ACTIVITY or NEW to see them sorted by distance, latest login or creation date (newest on top).
You can also create new filters by clicking the 'Slider' icon (top-left). As a PLUS user, you have access to the 'Bookmark' icon (ribbon) to access saved filters.
To explore other locations, use the TRAVEL function (airplane icon, on top).
To know about our hashtag search, click here.
ROMEO Android
Tap the RADAR icon (bottom left) to access our search engine.
To search by profile name, tap the 'magnifying glass' icon (top-right).
The DISCOVER section shows you an overview of Romeos around you, Travelers arriving, GuyCandy and more.
To search for other Romeos tap directly on NEARBY, ACTIVITY or NEW (on top) to see them sorted by distance, latest login or creation date (the newest on top).
You can also create new search options by clicking the 'Slider' icon (bottom, on the search results).
To explore other locations, you can use the TRAVEL function (airplane icon, on the left-hand side of the screen).
Tap the RADAR icon (bottom left) to access our search engine.
The DISCOVER section shows you an overview of Romeos around you, Travelers arriving, GuyCandy and more.
To search for other Romeos tap directly on NEARBY, ACTIVITY or NEW (on top) to see them sorted by distance, latest login or creation date (newest on top).
To search by profile name, scroll down the search results and use the text field on top.
You can also create new filters by clicking the 'Slider' icon (bottom, on the search results).
To explore other locations, you can use the TRAVEL function (airplane icon, bottom right).